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3 product(s) found for "Striker"
World Most Powerful 7 Watts ..
The World's Most Powerful Blue Handheld Laser A Legit 7 Watts INSANE Laser Power This is the world's most powerful blue handheld laser as of 2020 You may see a 10-watt or even 100-watt laser on other websites, but those are over inflated power ratings. A 10-watt blue laser diode does not yet exist. The...
Saber series
The New Saber series- Real Laser saber The saber is a lightweight version of our striker model , it contains a durable stainless steel housing and a high efficient aluminium heatsink like the normal striker. With the smaller battery compartments, the laser looks similar to a lightsaber. Saber is noticeably...
Striker series
Striker Series - Designed for Extreme Laser Power The World's Most Powerful Handheld Laser The Striker is designed to host the most powerful green and blue laser diodes on the market. Our Brightest Green Laser: 2 Watts at 525nm Our Strongest Blue Burning Laser: 7.5 Watts at 445nm Rapid Cooling Starting...